Interest Rates Calendar

interest rate calendar

Interest Rates Calendar

The calendar will allow you to track the inflation rate. The interest rate is the currency's actual value as a means of savings. An increase in the interest rate attracts foreign capital, the country's economy grows, and the value of the state currency grows. This tool will help analyze the economy and monetary relations.

The Central Bank makes decisions about the rate, which can change depending on the country's inflation level.

A higher rate is always a positive factor for a country's currency: an infusion of foreign capital, an increase in value, and demand. If the rate decreases or stands still for a long time, it can signal a stagnant or deteriorating economic situation in the country, and the currency is getting rid

In every country in the world, central bank interest rates significantly affect the value of a nation's currency and inflation. This directly affects specific currency pairs.

If the rate is higher than expected - a bullish trend begins to form; if low, then a bearish one. The U.S. dollar (75% of all calculations on the market) is always in the spotlight of the foreign exchange market. Therefore, any change in the economy of this country leads to changes in many currency pairs.


To find the desired country, you need to click on the magnifying glass and enter the name. Most often, traders work with currency pairs with the dollar in them, so we will look at the United States.


We see that the rate has decreased by 1%, so we should expect fluctuations in this range.